I hunt every moment for true love, and ask — can it really be so hard to find? — a teenage girl.
he biggest hurdle to finding love in your life is this notion of ‘true love’. If you want peace and happiness on this planet please instantly discard any ideas you may have on ‘true love’ and move on. Or else it’s the pits for you.
Love has a way of happening when you least expect, with the person you least expect in the manner you least expect. That is if you allow it to happen. When the golden moment in your life arrives, will you be mentally ready for it? Not if you entertain ideas of true love. Then the man will either be too tall or too dark or too rich or too poor or not smart enough or not articulate enough or not sophisticated enough or whatever. He will never be Mister Right. In fact there was no such person as Mister Right and there never will be.
True love can blind you to the truth of love, for it’s a notion so perfect that it can exist only in fairy tales — never in your life or mine. I hate to hurt you, but the image of the male lover in true love is so puerile, so art director-copy writer spun that you will never find anyone who fits the image. And God forbid if you do, for you might find everything else of substance missing except that dashing look you latched on from your M&B’s in schoolgirl days.
W.B. Yeats wrote, ‘hearts are not had as a gift, / hearts are earned/ by those who are not entirely beautiful’ — and it’s so true. It’s the guy who definitely isn’t Mister Right who could be totally right for you, and your barometer of sensitivity should be the courage in his heart — not the pimple on his face. I know girls who have taken up a man with that secret smile, knowing they are so much superior to him, with a half love from a sense of half pity — only to be steadily pleasantly surprised. Men are like mangoes — when they are half ripe they taste sour, wait till they get that golden sheen and they will be oh so sweet. It’s far better to pick up a raw mango and ripen it with your natural warmth than hunt the market looking for that perfect fruit.
Dump true love please. Trust your instincts more than your notions. Women are born with a sure-footed intuition about men — but that intuition will get activated only when you have cast aside the romantic novels from under your pillow and started looking up some real men in their place.