L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper, has recently devoted an entire page to questioning the religious aspect of a superhero’s life.
This comes shortly after Man of Steel’s success at the box office. According to The Telegraph, “Its phenomenal success has been linked to spiritual themes promoted by Grace Hill Media, a public relations firm focused on the Christian market.”
The paper ran the article as an attempt to look into the religious lives of superheroes and even picked out scenes from popular comic strips which included Batman’s alter ego, Bruce Wayne, and The Hulk. Bruce is seen praying by his bedside and the Hulk is pictured with rosary beads in his hand.
“Is it enough for a person to have a rosary in his hand to be defined a Catholic?” wrote senior journalist Gaetano Vallini, as reported in The Telegraph.
Founded 151 years ago, the newspaper usually concentrated on Catholic theology, but ever since a new editor was appointed in 2007, the publication has been touching interesting topics relating to pop culture. Times have changed, indeed. And we take it that it’s a good change.