You missed the point. That’s the point. There’s nothing to be gained in thinking yourself to be young — at your age. No. that’s simply not done. If you are over 50, then remember this — you will not become younger by doing the following:
Listening to the latest Indie pop music and loudly singing out the lyrics in a pizzeria. You will just startle all the teenagers there and make them wonder if you have lost it.
Wearing tight T-shirts and ripped jeans and swaggering in a mall. You will look like a retired cine fight masters’ assistant doing window shopping.
Dyeing your thinning white hair and getting a pearl plus gold plus protein facial. It’s a con. You will not look a day younger than you actually are. Trust me.
Watching a Salman Khan movie and thinking — if he is 40 plus then I can’t be so bad. No. You are still as bad as you really are.
Watching a Nagarjuna movie and thinking — Hey! girls still fall for 50-plus guys! No, they don’t. They only fall for Nag who still manages to (incredibly) look as if he is 30 minus.
That’s the bad news. Now for the good news. You will actually become a decade younger than your age if you do the following:
Lose 10 kg naturally — without powders and pills.
Put on two inches muscle on your arms (at least your arms, if not your chest and quadriceps).
Be able to walk or run eight to 10 km without too much strain.
Do yoga regularly.
Wake up in the morning at 7 am with full energy after a killer 14 hour work schedule the previous day.
At least hold your alcohol — two pegs beyond your stated limit without blubbering or sobbing like a lush.
At the very least — stand erect, walk with grace and communicate that you are still strong and fit.
Want to know the trick you missed? You gave up on your body for two decades. Then, as it started crumbling, you suddenly got into an mental imaging fit. Remember it took 20 years for your body to sag into the state it is now. Give yourself at least two years of workout to get it back into shape.
To those who think that “youthful thoughts” can substitute for a weakened body, don’t even try it. Mind and body are one and the same. You can’t have an old body and a young mind. You absolutely need a strong and fit body for your mind to feel young. And merely thinking or wishing would not make you young.
No sir, it won’t.