One clear call to the Universe — that is what Intention is all about. “Help me”. I am doing everything in my power but it’s not enough — “so help me please”. That’s the message sent across the abyss, across the skies, across the twilight zone that separates the tiny Known from the all-powerful Unknown.
That’s the tremor of a single heart felt in the vastness of space, vibrating all the way up to the farthest reaches of Infinity. That’s Intention, yes, but it is not without its little paradoxes.
The vastness of space exists inside your mind, the farthest reaches of Infinity lie in the space of your own heart. The abyss isn’t out there somewhere, it’s right here — it’s the gap between you and your unfocused, cluttered mind, and the twilight zone of the all-powerful Unknown can be seen when you make yourself pure inside.
So basically it’s an appeal to the depths of your own being, which is just as powerful as the vast Infinity of the universe. Somewhere inside you is an intelligence, vast and all knowing — an intelligence that has remained alive through millions of years since life first seeded the fertile womb of our planet. Somewhere at some unfathomable level, you connect to everyone and everything, now and forever.
Somewhere inside are invisible tendrils that link every particle in the universe and talk in a language so subtle, its signals going virtually undetected. If your appeal for help ever gets down to this level, you can pull the levers that run this world — then doors open for you unawares, people cross your path unawares, an opportunity opens up unawares, your desire gets fulfilled, while you’re absolutely unaware of what happened, how it happened and when. That’s the magic power of pure Intention.
An old Red Indian chief demonstrated this on a hilltop by allowing his interviewer to light a cigarette by stopping the gale force winds that blew around them, with his outstretched hands. An archer purifies his mind enough to guide his flying arrow into its target. The world’s great scientific problems have been solved simply because the scientist kept searching, asking for a solution within — and one day, from the depths of his unconscious, the answer surfaced. You can use it to achieve a long cherished goal which has been eluding your grasp.
But there is a process to be followed. Your mind is cluttered and jumpy all the time. Your mind is incapable of holding a thought and drilling it down into your subconscious. How then can you harness the power of Intention? So it all boils down to just these questions: How pure can you make your thoughts? How finely can you tune your intention? How well can you silence the noise your mind continually generates? How much energy can you put behind that silent shout to the universe within and beyond?
Enter a world of quiet discipline, calm detachment and silent energy. If you are ready to flow with me, I will take you there in the coming weeks. The question is, are you ready? Not expecting too much from you, am I? Would you rather prefer to go back to sulking? Go back to your old mindless ways, keep experiencing those flashes of happy light amidst enduring and depressing darkness? I wont blame you if you do. But read on just the same. File all this away in some corner of your mind. Who knows? Someday you will be ready to give it a try.