At a time when doctors are stressed and themselves are becoming victims of hypertension, diabetes and other lifestyle diseases, a city-based doctor – Dr I.B. Vijaylakshmi, a Pediactric Cardiologist at Sri Jayadeva Instittue of Cardiovascular Sciences and Research – shows the way to good health and gives out secrets on remaining hale and hearty even at 62 years with no major health problems till date.
Doctors’ first priority should be their own health, only then can they be able to provide best of healthcare to their patients, says Dr Vijaylakshmi. “A doctor should be mentally, physically and socially fit to perform the best of healthcare to their patients.” “Due to high stress, many young doctors tend to neglect their health and fall prey to lifestyle diseases. Quite frequently, they have to attend emergency cases and stretch their work or rush to hospitals at odd hours. They lack proper rest and this affects their work,” she says.
Asked how she keeps herself in good health, she said, “A right combination of exercise, meditation, right food intake, laughter and work is all that is needed for doctors to keep themselves fit. My day begins at 5 am with meditation and a brisk walk. I then have a glass of lemon tea, two glasses of milk and one banana. I leave for work at 8.30 am and get back home by 5.30 pm.” “Thanks to the Almighty God, till now I have had no health problems. During my work, even if I have to attend 10-14 surgical cases a day, I have the same concentration and stamina,” she said.
“When I am travelling, I make it a point to see as many places I can. Whenever I get free time I write and have written rhymes for children in Kannada too,” Dr Vijaylakshmi said. Dr Vijaylakshmi is a recipient of several awards, including the Karnataka Rajyostava Award, 2008, excellence in cardiology award presented by then President Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam in 2009 and the best presentation award in paediatric cardiology at Chicago (2010) and Boston (2011).