Marine biologists and ecologists demand the state government to create more awareness among fishermen in protecting the sea horse that breeds at the gulf of mannar from May to August. The marine scientists also warned that the incidence of poaching sea horses is on a rise.
Sea horses are used in traditional medicine and are also consumed as delicacy in Singapore, China and Malaysia. The common sea horse is a small, equine-like fish that moves in vertical positions.
Confidential sources attached to fisheries department and Tamil Nadu veterinary and animal sciences university opine that poaching of sea horse is common during the mating season.
Similarly the koran fish, which is similar to that of angel fish is also poached and sold in international market. Most of the sea animals are protected under the wildlife protection act and the failure to protect the coral reefs had also resulted in depletion of the sea cow (dugong) population. Taking census of marine animals is practically not feasible and there are no clues about these species but their sightings has drastically reduced, confirmed sources.
“ There is a need for more awareness among fishermen and they should be explained about the species that are banned from fishing,” explained K.V.R.K. Thirunaran, founder, the nature trust.