At least nine labourers died on Monday after consuming poisonous 'sattu', a variety of gram flour, in Bihar's Jehanabad district, police said. An inquiry has been ordered into the incident.
Angry over the death of nine labourers, residents blocked roads and demanded the arrest of the shopkeeper who sold the contaminated 'sattu' to them.
"A police team raided the shop from where the labourers purchased 'sattu', but the shopkeeper ran away and is missing," a police official said.
Four labourers were in hospital in a critical condition. "All four are battling for their life," the police official said.
The labourers purchased 'sattu' from a shop in a village and ate it Monday afternoon, he said.
"Soon after consuming it, they complained of stomach ache and their condition deteriorated. They were admitted to hospital," the official said, adding that nine deaths had been confirmed.
The district administration has ordered an inquiry into the incident.
The compensation of Rs 1 lakh each for the kin of the victims was announced by the state government.