Pop star Britney Spears says her dream vacation would be to go skiing with her boyfriend Jason Trawick and her two sons Sean Preston, six, and five-year-old Jayden James.
The 29-year-old singer, who made a comeback earlier this year with her 'Femme Fatale' album, says her skills on the slopes are limited but she enjoys the sport and would love to go on a snowy break, Femalefirst reported.
"My dream holiday would be with my children, of course, and my boyfriend. We'd probably just go skiing somewhere really beautiful and have hot chocolate, in a cabin.
"I'm not a good skier but I enjoy the process of learning. I do get frustrated when I see little kids go really fast beside me but, for the most part, once you get going and you've got an idea of how you're going to ski, it's kind of fun," she said.