Pedalo impresses at workout
Pedalo impressed when the horses were exercised at Malakpet racecourse hereon Tuesday morning.
600 m: 2y-Young Power (Deepshanker), 2y-Great Warrior (Harinder Singh) 47.5, both moved easy. Ann Arbor (Nitin Singh) (1000/400) 47. Classic Crown (P Sai Kumar), 2y-Aerosmith (N Rawal) 47.5, moved together.
800m: Maid For Love (rb), Apology For Love (rb) 1-0, 600/44, former pushed and finished well in front. Jewel In The Crown (rb) 1-2, 600/46, moved well. Swiss Don (A Imran Khan) 1-1, 600/47, handy. 2y-(Sharp Attack/Adams Madame) (Nitin Singh), 2y-Blue Diamond (rb) 1-1.5, 600/46.5, former finished a length in front. Nasheeta (A Imran Khan) 1-4, 600/46, hard held. Daniella (S Sreekanth) 1-4, 600/47, handy. The Challenge (A Imran Khan) 1-2, 600/46, well in hand. Vijay Dhanush (P Venkat), 2y-Oasis Vision (A Joshi) 1-4, 600/48, both moved freely. 2y-Sitting Pretty (rb), Dark Avenger (rb) 1-0, 600/44, former showed out.
1,000m: Euphonic (Deepshanker) 1-16, 800/1-0, 600/43.5, well in hand. Askioz (rb) 1-14, 800/58, 600/43, pleased. Al Jadeed (J Vikas) 1-18 (1000/400) 45, eased up. Twentyfive Pips (rb) 1-18, 800/1-2, 600/47, handy.
1,200m: Bribe Madi (rb) 1-32, 1000/1-15, 800/59, 600/44, strode out well. Romantique (rb) 1- 33, 1000/1-16, 800/1-1, 600/46, moved on the bit. Silver Liner (Ravinder Singh) 1-30, (1200/600) 43, worked well. Alexander Square (S Sreekanth), 2y-Rustic Gal (A Imran Khan) 1-30, 1000/1-14, 800/58, 600/44, a fit pair.
1,400m: Pedalo (A Joshi), Castle Town (P Venkat) 1-45, 1200/1-30, 1000/1-12, 800/55, 600/40, former will have a bold show note.
600m: 2y-Star Sensation (Laxman), 2y-Aerosmith (N Rawal) 47.5, both moved easy.
1,000m: Star Striker (K Anil) 1-19, 800/1-0, 600/45, handy. 2y-Ceremonious (Deepshanker) 1-18, 800/59, 600/43.5, shaped well.
1,200m: Genius Empress (Ravinder Singh) 1-33, 1000/1-16, 800/59, 600/44, moved well.
1400m: Handsome Hawk (N Rawal) Steel Breaker (AK Pawar), 2y-Any Given Time (Laxman), Romantique (C Rajendra) 1-28, 1200/1-13, 1000/1-0, 800/48, 600/37, Handsome Hawk and Steel Breaker caught the eye, neck and distance separated them, Romantique planted and took no part.
600m: Fanaka (rb) (1000/400) 45, eased up.
800m: Sea Runner (rb), 2y-Exclusive (Kuldeep Singh) 1-2, 600/46, former finished a length in front. 2y-Prince Prashant (rb), 2y-Ocean Side (Kuldeep Singh) 1-1, 600/44, latter urged and level. Vijay Dhanush (P Venkat), 2y-Oasis Vision (A Joshi) 1-3, 600/48, both fully eased up at 400 metres.
1,000m: Star Striker (B Dillep) 1-15, 800/58, 600/44, handy. Above The Line (rb), 2y-Allendale (Kuldeep Singh) 1-15, 800/57, 600/42, former finished four lengths in front while latter urged.
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