No Doubt excels during workout
Back Among Friends and No Doubt impressed most in the workouts when the following horses were exercised on the trial track here on Monday.
600 m: Mighty Heart (J. Pradeep) 44, fit. Missoni (rb) No Doubt (rb) 42.5, neck and neck. Spark Of Knight (T. Bernard) 44.5, extended.
1000 m: Virtuoso (rb) 1-12.5, 600/44.
1200 m: Chronicle (rb) 1-27.5, 1000/1-13, 600/43, moved nicely. Excellent Design (Md. Shoaib) Gold Splash (B. Sreekanth) 1-31.5, first 60042.5. Motivating (rb) 1-31.5, 1000/1-16.5, 600/46.5. Cocktail Circuit (R. Marshall) 1-31.5, 1000/1-16.5, 600/46.5, note.
1600 m: Back Among Friends (rb) 1-54.5, 1400/1-40, 1200/1-27, 1000/1-13.5, 600/47, impressed.
Inner sand:
1000 m: One Life To Love (rb) 1-7, 600/39, pushed.
1400 m: Allez Vite (rb) 1-36, 1200/1-22.5, 60043. 5Crown Empress (R. Marshall) 1-33.5, 1200/1-20, 1000/1-7.5, 600/40, good.
Mock race:
1400 m: Yamaguchi (Vinod Shinde) Zultanite (Suraj Narredu) Toroloco (P. S. Chouhan) Shahraan (Ashok Kumar) Yawar (R .Koch) Gold Tern (S. John) Saloni (N. Rajesh). Won by: 2 1/4, 1 3/4, 1/2, 4 & Dist. Time 1-31.31. Gold Tern and Yawar were slow in the jump. Saloni planted and took no part.
Noted on Sunday:
Outer sand:
1000 m: Raja’s Pet (P. Mani) 1-16.5, 600/45.5.
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