Laepetus, Aloisia noteworthy
Laepetus and Aloisia caught the eye when the horses were exercised at Malakpet Racecourse here on Saturday morning.
600m: Anacostia (Kuldeep Singh) (1000/400) 46. Cristiano (A Imran Khan) (1200/600) 47. Front Line (Harinder Singh) (1000/400) 47, eased up.
800m: Vijay Monarch (A Joshi) 1-0, 600/46, moved nicely. Jaden Gil (S Nayak) 1-1, 600/47, moved freely. Samsonite (rb) 57, 600/41, pleased. Flash Of Emerald (A Joshi) 1-2, 600/46, handy. Genius Empress (A Ramana) 1-1, 600/46, unextended. Allegation (rb), 2y-Odalis (Laxmikanth) 59, 600/44, both moved well. Nano Star (rb) 1-0, 600/44, shaped well. Premiership (B Dileep) 56, 600/43, pleased. 2y-Golden Dash (Ajit Kumar) 58, 600/44, pushed. 2y-Golden Jewel (Ravinder Singh) 58, 600/44, moved under whip. 2y-Incredible India (rb), Deccan Passion (rb) 1-2, 600/46, moved together. Spanish Conquest (Jagdale) 1-1, 600/46, handy. Agastaya (rb) 1-0, 600/47, moved well. Vijays Rose (Trainer) 1-2.5, 600/47.5. 2y-Rustic Gal (A Imran Khan) 58, 600/44, shaped well. Paris Time (rb) 1-0, 600/46, handy. 2y-Plenipotent (A Joshi) 1-1, 600/46, moved freely. Star Favours (rb) 1-1, 600/46, unextended. 2y-Ashwa Shakti (A Joshi) 1-0, 600/44, fit and well. April Showers (Jagdale) 1-0, 600/45, well in hand. Handsome Hawk (A Ramana) 58.5, 600/44.5, good.
1,000m: Cypress Way (rb) 1-18, 800/1-2, 600/46, moved well. Nano Angel (rb) 1-15, (1000/400) 44, eased up. Robust (N Rawal), Midnight Beauty (Laxman) 1-19, 800/59, 600/44, both moved well. Commanding Heights (N Rawal), Indian Epic (Laxman) 1-16, 800/58, 600/43, a fit pair. Play The Music (Jagdale) 1-15, 800/59, 600/44, shaped well. Pavan (A Imran Khan) 1-13, 800/57, 600/42, in fine form. Best Pal (K Anil) 1-15, 800/59, 600/45, well in hand. Vijays Best (A Joshi), Vijay Dhanush (Jagdale) 1-13, 800/56.5, 600/42.5, former a good type and finished level note. Doubtful (rb), Enrapture (rb) 1-17, 800/59, 600/44, both level. Aegis (A Joshi) 1-19, 800/1-2, 600/47, handy.
1200m: Silver Lid (Jagdale) 1-32.5, 1000/1-16.5, 800/1-0, 600/45, handy.
1,400m: Iaepetus (A Imran Khan), Aloisia (R Umesh) 1-42, 1200/1-27, 1000/1-12, 800/57, 600/43, best gallop of the day.
1600m: Castle Town (Jagdale) 2-2, 1400/1-45, 1200/1-30, 1000/1-16, 800/1-0, 600/46, moved on the bit.
Noted on friday
800 m: The Leader (rb), Earth Bender (rb) 1-1, 600/46, both handy and level. Drayton (Deepshanker) 1-2, 600/46.5, easy. Rapture Of Victory (A Joshi) 55, 600/40, a good display. Alexander Square (Deepshanker) 1-0, 600/45, handy. 2y-Shatakshi (rb), Inspiring Tunes (rb) 1-1, 600/45, moved together. Silver Liner (Ravinder Singh) 58, 600/43, fit and well. Tillcowscomehome (rb) 1-3, 600/47, easy. Petradura (rb), 2y-Arlington (Kuldeep Singh) 57.5, 600/43, latter coming up and finished level. Royal Bird (Ravinder Singh) 59, 600/44, moved well. Golden Rule (Kuldeep Singh), Scubarioo (rb) 56, 600/42, former showed out. Aficionado (Ch K Chary), Lake King (B Mukesh) 57, 600/43, former finished a length in front. Crown Castle (S Nayak) 58, 600/44, good. Aphrodisiac (rb) 57, 600/43, fit and well. Star Prospect (Laxman) 1-3, 600/47, handy. Aarohan (N Rawal), Fine Racer (Laxman) 59, 600/44, both handy and level. Silver Crown (S Nayak) 57, 600/42, worked well. Kohinoor Mystic (Ravinder Singh) 1-0, 600/44, moved well. Golden Palace (rb) 1-2.5, 600/47.5, moved freely. Sprint Champ (rb) 59, 600/45, moved well. Menlo Park (B Mukesh) 57, 600/43, good. Thirteen Black (R Umesh) 59, 600/44, moved well. Cannon Gem (rb) 1-0, 600/44, moved under whip
in the last part. Sea Runner (B Umesh), Gold Coast (Ch K Chary) 59, 600/44, moved together.
1,000 m: Corvette (rb) 1-15 (1000/400) 45, unextended. Daniella (Deepshanker), 2y-Always Bullish (R Umesh) 1-15, 800/58, 600/43, former finished two lengths in front. Walnut Creek (Ch K Chary), Sun Strikes (B Mukesh) 1-13, 800/57, 600/42, former finished two lengths in front. Onera Onera Onera (A Mohan) 1-12, (1000/400) 43, retains form. 2y-Maharadhi (G Sai Vamshi), Devils Advocate (rb) 1-16, 800/58, 600/44, former coming up and finished level. Lake Blossom (Kuldeep Singh) 1-18, 800/1-0, 600/45, well in hand.
1,200 m: Westminister (Ajit Kumar) 1-27, 1000/1-12, 800/57, 600/43, best spurt of the day. Scorching Affair (rb) 1-33, 1000/1-16, 800/1-0, 600/45, unextended. Divine Ganges (A Ramana) 1-32, 1000/1-16, 800/1-1, 600/45, handy. Bloody Mary (B Mukesh) 1-30, 1000/1-15, 800/58, 600/44, not extended. Swiss Don (R Umesh), Blazing Asian (rb) 1-30, 1000/1-13, 800/57, 600/42, former finished a length in front. Handsome Hunk (K Anil), Scamper (B Dileep) 1-31, 1000/1-14, 800/57, 600/43, former started two lengths behind and finished three lengths in front. El Paso (Ch K Chary), Coral Gables (B Mukesh) 1-28, 1000/1-13, 800/57, 600/43, a fit pair, former finished two lengths in front.
1,400 m: Greek Fire (rb), Ace Star (Ravinder Singh) 1-45, 1200/1-28, 1000/1-13, 800/57, 600/43, former handy and keep the company while latter moved under whip.
1,000 m: Transformation (Laxman), 2y-Classic Wish (N Rawal) 1-13, 800/55, 600/40, former handy and level.
1,200 m: 2y-Oasis Vision (A Joshi), Lone Ranger (Jagdale) 1-18, 1000/1-4, 800/50, 600/37, former a good type and finished level note. Vijaysarathi (Harinder Singh) 1-19, 1000/1-5, 800/50, 600/37, pleased. Rose Queen (Harinder Singh) 1-18, 1000/1-4, 800/51, 600/39, pleased.
1,600 m: Vijays Dhara (Harinder Singh) 1-44, 1400/1-30, 1200/1-18, 1000/1-7, 800/52, 600/38, impressed.
1000 m: Twentyfive Pips (Ravinder Singh) 1-14, 800/56, 600/41, jumped out well. Heros Choice (K Anil), Modest Bride (B Dileep) 1-3, 800/48, 600/36, both took a good jump, former finished distance in front note. Vijaysiddanth (P Venkat), 2y-Machiavellianism (A Joshi) 1-5, 800/50, 600/38, both took a flying start and finished five lengths in front. 2y-Wolverton (S Nayak), 2y-(Rebuttal/Rustle Of Spring) (Uday Kiran), Girnar (Laxman), Emerald Reef (J Vikas) 1-4, 800/49, 600/37, they jumped out well, Wolverton to note. Enchantment (Ravinder Singh), Red River Rebel (AK Pawar), 2y-Dakshayani (Ajit Kumar), Citi Supreme (Laxman) 1-3, 800/48, 600/37, they took a smart jump Enchantment to note. Steel Breaker (AK Pawar), Invincible India (rb), 2y-Fighting Fit (Ravinder Singh), 2y-Silver Spur (R Umesh) 1-4, 800/49, 600/37, they took a level jump, neck, distance and neck separated them.
800m: Vijayshaurya (A Joshi) 58, 600/44, moved fluently. Girnar (S Narredu), Emerald Reef (J Vikas) 58, 600/44, former finished two lengths in front. Rio Grande (Kuldeep Singh), 2y-Boca Raton (Ch K Chary) 59, 600/44, latter shaped well and finished level. Staccato (S Nayak) 1-0, 600/44, moved well.Arrow In Auto Mode (A Joshi) 57, 600/42, fit and well. True Diamond (S Nayak) 1-3, 600/47, easy. Jingles (S Nayak) 58.5, 600/44, handy. Yakshagana (rb) 59, 600/44.5, moved well.2y-Kohinoor Revanta (rb) 59, 600/45, shaped well. Music Valley (B Dileep), 2y-Transition (K Anil) 57.5, 600/43.5, latter coming up and finished level. 2y-True Scholar (Ravinder Singh), Star Experience (rb) 59, 600/44, former moved under whip in the last part and finished level.
1,000 m: 2y-Rustic Gal (Deepshanker), Dauntless (R Umesh) 1-15, 800/58, 600/44, former coming up and finished level. Chestnut Charmer (P. Venkat), Pedalo (A Joshi) 1-18, 800/1-0, 600/44, both handy, latter started six lengths behind and finished a length behind. Flash Of Emerald (Jagdale) 1-13, 800/57.5, 600/44, worked well. Menlo Park (Kuldeep Singh) 1-18, 800/1-1, 600/46, moved well. Blazing Asian (R Umesh) 1-16, 800/59, 600/44, well in hand. 2y-Oasis Vision (Jagdale) 1-19, (1000/400) 45, shaped well. Play The Music (Jagdale), 2y-Winjoy (A Joshi) 1-13, 800/56, 600/42, former finished in front, latter a good type. Star Striker (B Dileep), Florentine (K Anil) 1-13.5, 800/58, 600/44, a fit pair. Best Pal (K Anil) 1-19, 800/1-1, 600/45, handy. Evangaline (rb) 1-19, 800/1-3, 600/48. Da Xia (Ajit Kumar) 1-12, 800/56, 600/42, a good display. Vijay Monarch (A Joshi) 1-15, 800/58, 600/45, strode out well. 2y-Moko Moko Moko (K Anil), 2y-Enigma (A Mohan) 1-15, 800/1-0, 600/45, both coming up and finished level. 2y-Azaiba (Ravinder Singh), Enchantment (rb) 1-17, 800/59, 600/44, former coming up and finished level.
Surya Lakshmi (Ravinder Singh) 1-25, 1000/1-10, 800/55, 600/42, outstanding spurt of the day. The Kohinoor (Ajit Kumar) 1-28, 1000/1-13, 800/57, 600/43, retains form. Proof (K Anil) 1-28, 1000/1-13, 800/58, 600/43, impressed. Nano Angel (rb) 1-28, 1000/1-13, 800/58, 600/44, pleased. Kohinoor Fighter (Ritesh) 1-28, 1000/1-14, 800/59, 600/45, improving. Nano Storm (Ajit Kumar) 1-28.5, 1000/1-12, 800/57.5, 600/42.5, in good form. Rosemead (rb), Ponte Verdi (Ch K Chary) 1-31, 1000/1-14, 800/58.5, 600/43.5, former finished two lengths in front.
Star Favours (rb) 1-48, 1200/1-31, 1000/1-16, 800/1-2, 600/48, not extended.
Sheikhs Emperor (Harinder Singh) 2-3, 1400/1-46, 1200/1-30, 1000/1-15, 800/1-0, 600/46, not extended.
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