Golden palace, Surya Lakshmi are noteworthy
Surya Lakshmi, Garcia Marquez, Golden Palace and Malabar Prince impressed when the horses were exercised here on Saturday Morning.
800 m: Fine Racer (Laxman), 3y-Cannon Law (P. Sai Kumar) 1-2, 600/46, former handy and level. 3y-Odalis (rb), Inspiring Tunes (Nitin Singh) 1-2, 600/47, former finished a length in front. 3y-Paradise Bay (Kuldeep Singh), 3y-Classic Emerald (Laxman) 59, 600/44, both well in hand. 3y-Ashok Chakra (Ravinder Singh) 59, 600/43.5, good. Art Connoisseur (Laxman) 1-0, 600/45, unextended. Saint Louis (Ravinder Singh) 59, 600/44, shaped well. Greek Fire (rb), Maid For Love (rb) 57, 600/41, former showed out. 3y-Sushen (rb), 3y-Emerald Touch (Ashhad Asbar) 59, 600/45, former finished in front. Swiss Don (A. Imran Khan) 56, 600/41, pleased. Iaepetus (rb) 58, 600/43, well in hand. 3y-Sweety Girl (Ravinder Singh) 1-2.5, 600/46, shaped well. Secret Burden (Ch K Chary) 58, 600/44, pushed. 3y-Star Sensation (B Shanker), 3y-Camacho Speed (GB Khade) 59, 600/44, both shaped well. Garcia Marquez (rb), Golden Palace (Kuldeep Singh) 56, 600/41, both impressed.
1000 m: 3y-Dazzling Prince (rb) 1-18, 800/59, 600/47, eased up. Nano Angel (C Henrique) 1-16, 800/1-1, 600/47, handy. 3y-Our Mascot (Ch K Chary) 1-18, 800/1-2, 600/46, shaped well. 3y-Tintinnabulation (Jagdale) 1-16, 800/59, 600/43, moved nicely.
1200m: Star Striker (rb) 1-34, 1000/1-17, 800/1-1, 600/46, easy.
Malabar Prince (Ashhad Asbar) 1-28, 1000/1-12, 800/56, 600/42, in good form. 3y-Always Bullish (S Sreekanth) 1-31, 1000/1-15, 800/59, 600/44, strode out well. Grand Connection (rb), Wedding Gift (G Sai Vamshi) 1-30, 1000/1-14, 800/59, 600/44, former moved well. Incredible India (Ashhad Asbar), Paris Time (rb) 1-32, 1000/1-15, 800/59, 600/44, former shaped well and finished level. 3y-Itsy Bitsy (A Imran Khan), 3y-Rustic Gal (Ch K Chary) 1-29, 1000/1-14, 800/58, 600/44, both moved neck and neck.
1400 m: 78—3y-Rocking Racer (Culhane), Lumiere Blanche (Deepshanker) 1-48, 1200/1-32, 1000/1-16, 800/1-0, 600/45, latter handy and level. Surya Lakshmi (Ravinder Singh) 1-46, 1200/1-28, 1000/1-11, 800/55, 600/40, a fine display.
1600 m: Oru Oru Oru (rb) 2-2, 1400/1-45, 1200/1-30, 1000/1-14, 800/58, 600/44, worked well.
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