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Safari LIONESS LOOSE in mumbai

Mumbai,  April 20: Forest rangers at the sprawling Sanjay Gandhi National Park are seeing their worst nightmare come true. A lioness, part of the safari show there, escaped into the wilderness after attacking her watchman-keeper late on Tuesday night. The rangers said that as an indicator of

Mobile is found in Nalini’s cell

Chennai/Vellore, April 20: Officials of the Special Prison for Women in Vellore on Tuesday recovered an active mobile phone from a toilet in the cell of Nalini Sriharan, undergoing a life sentence in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case.

Some Europe airports reopen, not Heathrow

London, April 20: European airports started to return to life on Tuesday after five days cut off from the rest of the world by a huge ash cloud, but some airspace stayed closed after reports a new plume from Iceland may be on its way. Italy, Switzerland and France reopened their airports early

Pranab: Won’t spare the guilty

Image for Pranab: Won’t spar

New Delhi, April 19: The government was forced to assure the Lok Sabha on Monday that the probe into the IPL goings-on would look into all aspects, including from where the money to fund it was coming. It also promised that the guilty would be punished.

Modi may be last man out

Mumbai/New Delhi,  April 19: With several Central agencies vying to haul IPL commissioner Lalit Modi over the coals in the controversy regarding the Indian Premier League, it could possibly be the end of Mr Modi’s innings in cricket: his wings are likely to be clipped by the BCCI panel. Sources said that the BCCI president could be the man to replace Mr Modi as the head honcho of the IPL.

SC upholds Manu’s life sentence in Jessica case

New Delhi, April 19: The Supreme Court on Monday brought down the curtain on the much-publicised Jessica Lall murder case, confirming the conviction and life sentence awarded to Sidhartha Vashisht alias Manu Sharma, son of a former Haryana minister, for the horrific 1999 murder at point-blank range of an upcoming model at a fashionable South Delhi restaurant.

PM plans changes in Cabinet in mid-May

New Delhi, April 19: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is expected to expand and make changes in his council of ministers as the UPA-2 government completes a year on May 22. This has become even more important with Mr Shashi Tharoor’s exit from the government on Sunday night, leaving a ministership of state vacant in a major department.

Less than half of UK Asians likely to vote

London, April 19: British Asians are less likely to vote in the upcoming general election on May 6, according to a survey on Monday.
Only 44 per cent of British Asians are planning to vote compared to 55 per cent of the general population who intend to vote, the ICM survey of 500 British Asians for BBC Asian Network, digital radio station, revealed.

2 jets in Mumbai near-miss again

Mumbai,  April 19: In yet other incident of a near-miss at Mumbai airport, a Kingfisher Airlines aircraft had to abort takeoff at the last minute after another aircraft landed on the same runway.

Chargers to meet super kings in semis

Image for Chargers to meet sup

The Deccan Chargers celebrate the dismmisal of Delhi Daredevils’ Virender Sehwag during their IPL-3 match at the Ferozeshah Kotla Stadium in New Delhi on Sunday. The Chargers won by 11 runs. They will play the Chennai Super Kings in the semi-finals on Thursday.  PHOTO: PTI

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I want to begin with a little story that was told to me by a leading executive at Aptech. He was exercising in a gym with a lot of younger people.

Shekhar Kapur’s Bandit Queen didn’t make the cut. Neither did Shaji Karun’s Piravi, which bagged 31 international awards.