Soon, you can name planets after kin
Imagine if you could name a newly-discovered planet after your son or a new moon after your spouse? Now, you can make your wish come true, provided you follow certain simple rules.
Public will now be able to submit their own suggestions on what to call new discoveries in space, International Astronomi-cal Union (IAU), which is responsible for naming planets, stars and other celestial bodies, has announced. IAU, the Paris-based organisation has more than 11,000 members in more than 90 countries, making it the de facto authority in the field, the Independent reported. Without any official laws enforcing the use of planetary names, the decisions on what to call new discoveries are usually a matter of consensus.
The changes announced by IAU hope to make public’s involvement more streamlined, asking that submissions are “sent to iaupublic@iap.Fr” and promising that they will be “handled on a case-by-case basis”.
“The IAU fully supports the involvement of the general public, whether directly or through an independent organised vote, in the naming of planetary satellites, newly discovered planets, and their host stars,” the organisation said. The following guidelines have been offered for submission by would-be planet-namers: The proposed name should be 16 characters or less in length, preferably one word, pronounceable in as many languages as possible and non-offensive in any language or culture.
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