OZ dog golden retriever has loudest bark
His bark is worse than his bite! A Golden Retriever in Australia has entered the Guinness World Record for the loudest bark, registering an incredible woof of 113.1 decibels, as loud as a rock concert or a steel mill.
Charlie, a six-year-old Golden Retriever from Adelaide, Australia broke the Guinness World Record for the loudest bark, after registering the record-breaking bark at a national competition, setting the new world record for the Loudest bark, the World Record Academy said.
The previous Guinness world record for the loudest bark was set by a German Shepherd from London who won in 2009 at a mere 108 decibels. Charlie’s owner, Belinda Freebairn, said her dog developed his bellowing and deep bark — equivalent to the sound of a live rock band — when he was only about a year old.
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