Harry is off to US base for training
Prince Harry is off to a secret experimental combat weapons base in the US where he’ll undergo training in his Apache combat chopper how to hunt the Taliban when posted in Afghanistan, a media report said. The 26-year-old third-in-line to the British throne has been selected for special training at the American Army’s Yuma proving ground in Arizona where he will be taught how to use the gunship’s awesome firepower, the Daily Star said. A Clarence House aide said: “He’s spent 10 months learning how to fly an Apache and now he has to learn how to fight in it.”
The Prince will be taught by experts from the Apache’s makers at Boeing Defence and US military instructors, who have set up realistic combat scenes at the base’s 8,70,000 acres in the Sonoran Desert, the report said.
Harry will learn how to use the airship’s destructive Hellfire missiles, laser-guided cannons and 30 mm 625 rounds-a-second chain guns that can shred an armoured car in moments, it said.
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