The maya of happiness
Last time we considered some of the insights of Lord Rama on the monsoon season and what they have to teach. Today let’s explore the same theme further.
Torrential waters fall on mountains with force, but the mountains withstand them unmoved, just as saints endure harsh words of the wicked.
It is said that the physical wounds caused by weapons can be healed, but the wounds left by scathing words don’t heal so easily. We have to learn to endure and remain unaffected like the mountains. It is easy to ignore harsh words spoken by people with whom we have nothing much to do, but when someone close to us uses harsh words we get hurt.
Tulsidas was no exception; he also had to face similar situations. He asks the Lord when
he will learn to endure harsh words like the saints, with equanimity.
In the rainy season small streams rush forth full of water, causing flash floods. Once the rains are over, the streams dry up. This is like a wicked person who comes by sudden fortune and flaunts newfound money.
When the water pours down, it is pure; on the earth, it gets mixed with mud and becomes slushy and turbid; even as the jiva (soul), basically pure and of the nature of bliss, becomes clouded by maya (illusion) at birth. We may feel sorrowful now, but we are essentially of that nature.
The pond gets filled with water coming from all directions after the rains, just as good qualities find their way into the heart of a noble person; he does not have to go in search of good qualities. People who are capable and efficient and have leadership qualities and organisational power, don’t have to go in search of a job. Offers of work come to them. People visit various campuses to recruit brilliant students, even before they finish their studies. Similarly, compassion, forgiveness and other good qualities go to good people, in search of a place to abide.
Rivers flow into the ocean from all directions, losing their identity when they merge with it. They are restless till then. This is like the soul, which becomes restful only when it finds Sri Hari, the Lord.
It is said that by churning milk, you may get butter, and only by praying to the Lord, you find peace.
Similarly, the Guru in Shvetashvatara Upanishad says that if you can roll up the entire sky like a piece of cloth, only then can you end your sorrows without knowing God!
Our effort should be to learn to discriminate between good and bad qualities, hold on to the qualities of a noble person and keep dropping those that characterise the wicked. Only then will we find true happiness.
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