The feminine mystique
Can you imagine a man being conferred the title, “An honorary woman?” And that too by women, with utmost respect?
Well, last year Babatunde Osotimehin became the head of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and was given the honorary title. The news didn’t go down too well with many women working in the field. They thought that a woman should be made the head of the organisation that works purely for women’s welfare. Generally speaking they were right, but Dr Osotimehin is not an average man; he has been an advocate of women’s rights and has been working tirelessly in that direction. His inspiration comes from his mother.
When the doctor sensed the resentment of some female ambassadors, he invited them to lunch, and when the ambassadors heard him and felt his conviction to improve the life of women, they left happily saying, “You are an honorary woman.”
I feel that this is a great credential a man could receive from women. Especially in a world where women and girls are still not valued, where the rate of girl foeticide is still very high; where the woman is still a second citizen.
While trying to find the root cause of the imbalance between the status of men and women, I found an ancient treatise. It mentioned that the primal man was in awe of the woman’s ability to give birth to a new life. The cave man watched a tiny human figure coming out of woman’s body with wonder and fear. This penetrated deep into his unconscious mind. He was afraid that if women were allowed the same opportunity as is given to men, they will be far ahead of him. Hence, the suppression of females.
Osho supports this observation and looks upon the feminine energy as the harbinger of change in the world: “My own experience is that a woman can enter into meditation more easily than men. She’s more introvert; she can go easily to the innermost centre of her being. Self-knowledge or enlightenment will be far easier to a woman. Life can be a paradise, but it is going to remain a hell unless man is removed from power altogether.”
It is time the feminine qualities had an upper hand in society. The domination of male approach have brought the world to the brink of self-destruction. For sure the world needs more “honorary women” like Dr Osotimehin and millions of honoured women who have reclaimed their dignity to live as individuals.
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