Faith and the follower
Once when Jesus’ disciples were unable to cure a child, the father of the child approached Jesus, since Jesus often healed those in need. After Jesus had cured the child, his disciples asked him why they had failed.
He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move…” answered Jesus (Matthew 17: 20). That is how the phrase, “Faith can move mountains,” came into being.
Biblical scholars tell us that what Jesus said here should not be taken literally as it is only a literary device used to make a point. It is interesting to note that in several instances when Jesus performed a miracle, he would invariably conclude it by saying, “Your faith has made you well or healed you or saved you,” (Mark 10: 52; 5:34; Luke 17:19). These and other passages in the Bible make it amply clear that faith played an essential role in the lives of ordinary folk. It did not matter whether they were rich or poor, powerful or helpless. When it came to the issue of faith, they belonged to the same rank. Our own times are no different. Faith in God or in some divine power continues to play a vital role. And yet Jesus raised a pertinent question with his listeners, “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8).
We approach God or our Ishta Deva for various reasons, sometimes to thank Him/Her for a favour we have received or at other times to plead for an urgent need or when we feel lonely and so on. Again it is our faith that helps us walk the path of righteousness and it is faith which facilitates our peace of mind in turbulent times.
It is in this context that October 11 this year to November 24, 2013, has been declared the “Year of Faith” by Pope Benedict XVI. It is “intended to contribute to a renewed conversion to the Lord Jesus and to the rediscovery of faith so that the members of the Church will be credible and joy-filled witnesses to the Risen Lord, capable of leading those many people who are seeking it to the door of faith”.
While the “Year of Faith” is planned more precisely for Christians, considering that faith plays a significant role in everyone’s life, regardless of the religion we follow and the God we worship, each one of us needs constantly to keep renewing and deepening our faith. For in the changing fortunes of life, faith alone can keep us sane and safe.
Father Dominic Emmanuel is the director of communication of the Delhi Catholic Church
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