Traffic system for 367 more signals
The intelligent traffic system, which adjusts its signal timing according to the traffic density, will now be extended to 367 traffic signals in the suburbs.
The intelligent traffic system is the part of Area Traffic Control project, where the traffic signals will be connected to a central system. By adjusting signal timings according to the traffic density, the waiting time at signals will be reduced to allow smooth traffic movement. The BMC started this project in 2007 with funds worth `72 crore from World Bank for the first phase, where the BMC had connected 253 signals to censors.
“After achieving positive results, we have now decided to extend this project to the remaining signals in the city,” said a senior civic official. The civic body will be making a provision of `150 crore in the 2013-2014 budget, he added.
“In the first phase, we have only taken signals that are on busy junctions and on the main road. But looking at the good results in the first phase itself, the ATC will be implemented on all the signals, main roads as well as inside roads,” the official said.
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