What’s certain is uncertainty
As humans we like to see a pattern in our lives — that too a desirable one. A pattern somewhere is an assurance of a ‘plan’ in place and happiness safe in our palms. It gives us a sense of control. From the point of life where we begin to see our future, we imagine perfection for ourselves with alacrity — beauty, health, wealth, love-filled relationships and other dreams that we are certain will come to life. For some, there is even a roadmap drawn till the end of the road with clarity on how to touch the finish line.
Then, some unimaginable turn shows up and stares hard at our faces — an accident, financial loss or heartbreak. The list can go on. A change in a predictable pattern ruffles us, scares us and there we go only to get stuck in the emotional bylanes or resign ourselves to our destiny, or get drowned in the tsunami of perceived undesirable circumstances. What we need to remember is, when the unimaginable hits, sometimes it is all right to feel lost like a little child, to lose a sense of direction or purpose. Let it be!
If it weren’t for these twists and turns in life, we would perhaps never pause to ‘just be’ and unfurl the dormant potential within us that we were never aware of. Each surprise is like a wave in an ocean that rises high up before gliding back again in a matter of seconds. It breaks the ‘pattern’ of an otherwise calm ocean. One can see it as an unnecessary disturbance in the ocean bed or one can see it as a beautiful delicate stroke that enhances its beauty and fervour.
We have the paintbrush of our lives and our duty is to draw a masterpiece. Learn to savour the twists and turns of life — the good, the bad and the ugly. Learn not to resent it. Be grateful for the good ones, dream along with the pleasant ones and look for lessons in the ugly ones. Neither be afraid of the bitter aftertaste, nor be too anxious for a sweet one.
As Shrimad Bhagavad Gita at a certain point says, “Be fearless, be even-minded and do your duty”. It is not automatic phenomenons that will one fine day fall into our laps. It is an acquired perception like an acquired taste for a particular food. We need to train ourselves to acquire it.
Let the pattern break and uncertainty flow in. For in uncertainty lies the beauty and in it lies the unleashed brilliance of our individual lives.
The writer is a lifestyle coach. You can send her your queries at selfdecoder@gmail.com
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