A voice for the voiceless
Nandita Das
Nandita Das has made a mark in the Indian cinema and she explains what it takes to stick to inspirational subjects.
International Women’s Forum:
This is definitely one of the biggest honours I have got and to be in the company of women I have personally admired a great deal is overwhelming. They do want to start an India chapter of IWF and wanted me to help out with that.
Cannes Festival 2005:
Cannes was truly a microcosm of sorts. The most interesting part of the festival and a big learning experience for me were the jury deliberations. Each of us was asked to give our opinion, in detail, on the films that we had seen and the discussions were truly enriching.
Children’s Film Society:
Being the chairperson of the Children’s Film Society means a lot of work and a lot of responsibility. I am trying my best to make it a vibrant organisation.
Evolved as a person…
I know life experiences change one’s perspectives and hopefully make us more aware and sensitive to the world we live in. I hope to continue to explore different means of communications.
Bold choices:
I have always enjoyed doing different things and will continue to do so and some of that is in the public domain. I also feel a compelling need to speak up about issues I really care about. I think if one comes with a deep conviction, then there are no fears. My first film as an actor (Fire) and as a director (Firaaq) deal with issues that are often termed controversial, but to me they are human issues that need to be addressed.
Motivation to make a difference:
I came into acting by default and after working several years in the human rights’ space, so for me acting became yet another means to reach out. I have always tried to be part of stories that I feel need to be told.
Realistic vs commercial cinema:
Mainstream Hindi cinema has mostly played safe in an attempt to please large number of people although in every era we have seen some bold films that have gone beyond their comfort zone.
Cinema means:
Cinema is a reflection of life, in moving images. It is an experience that transports you to a context that may or may not be familiar.
There is no one ‘Indian Cinema’ I feel Indian cinema is as varied as India itself.
I am looking at various scripts as an actor and out of that there are a few projects that I am considering seriously.
As a director, I still have to find the story that I am dying to tell.
Nandita Das is an actor and director
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