Sniff of brandy
This derivative of a Dutch word meaning burnt, is versatile, yet, underestimated. Brandy is consumed usually to keep oneself warm on a chilly evening or to cure common colds. But there’s more to brandy than just that.
The colour of the brandy can be indicative of the age and blend or style of the brandy. A snifter is a drinking glass, which is commonly used to drink brandy. Tilt the glass at a 45 angle away from you and observe the colour of the brandy preferably against a white background. There is no need to swirl a brandy glass. In fact it should be kept stable in the glass as the liquid is very volatile and precious volatile flavours can be lost.
For me, brandy has too many complex flavours. Also, the alcohol strength of brandy, neat, is more or less three times that typically found in wine. So, I generally avoid it. The only two exceptions being a brandy mint float and brandy Alexander — two drinks I enjoy. The first is refreshing and the second I relish owing to the crème de cacao, nutmeg and cream combination and the resultant chocolatey flavour. As a child I remember, my mother giving us the brandy, eggnog, sugar concoction.
A bartender once told me, that the lighter flavoured, less bodied brandies are generally great for mixing while the fuller-bodied, vintage brandies are best enjoyed neat, over ice or with a dash of water. He also added, that for cocktails with fruit juice, one must put the fruit juice in the glass first, followed by any bitters and mixers. Then the base brandy should be poured and any other spirits, followed by ice, if the drink is served on the rocks. If only spirits are there, put the ice in first, followed by the brandy and any other ingredients.
For Indians, booze may be synonymous with whisky, yet, they consume a lot of brandy. Cognac is the undisputed masterpiece creation of brandy. This artisan drink is then kept in Limousine oak barrels to mature for as long as six years. That lends cognac its’ typical taste and lavish, aromatic flavour.
Brandy is not only used for cocktails but also in cooking. Baked Alaska is a dessert to which brandy is added to enhance the flavour. In a traditional Christmas pudding, a dash of brandy is a must.
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