Sexy gift to Vladimir gets mixed response
Well, there’s something about men in power, which makes them attractive. Twelve Russian girls from the Moscow State University have posed for an erotic calendar to congratulate Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on his 58th birthday. And it’s not only their expensive-looking underwear in the pictures that is being talked about, but these sizzlers have congratulated Putin saying things like, “You put out the forest fires, but I’m still burning”, and “You look better every year.” With scantily-clad women making waves with their “calendar gift” to the Putin, we ask youngsters if it is a “cool” present.
Photographer Shikha makes a point by talking about the sexy pictures. “What the girls have done is artistic and any creative gift can be given to a prominent man. I’m sure it’s a fitting homage. But at the same time, there’s a thin line that divides cheapness from elegance. I feel the captions used on the calendar could have been avoided,” she says.
Young model Purvi shuns the act as a publicity gimmick. “Personally, I would never gift something like this to any man in power. And it’s not just about being Western or cool, it just shows the height of desperation among girls to get noticed,” she says.
For DU student Richa, there is no harm in gifting something that’s fun, even if it is to a famous person. “Why must we always be taught to hide the way we feel about dishy men in power? In India, many may not find it appropriate, but in the West, it’s ok. I found it pretty cool,” says Richa.
The calendar also shows a girl with her name and a sign saying “Vladimir Vladimirovich, Will you take me as the second pilot?” The calendar has been created for Putin’s 58th birthday.
Interestingly, all the girls are journalism students of Moscow State University, who posed in lacy underwear and used sexual innuendo. “I think such things must be taken with a pinch of humour and as long as it is not offensive, it is ok. The girls are pretty and I am sure it was done for fun. Putin is a man who is desirable and many girls would like to date him. And this calendar could be take as a tribute to his popularity among the fairer sex,” says Anandita Raj, a DU student.
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