A quiet rendezvous
When you accept a loved one’s death with grace, it no longer weighs heavily on your heart. Life never ends; it paves way for another journey beyond. And when the loss becomes a reason to serve others, it’s a start of a whole new chapter altogether.
Having lost her son Karl, a champion jockey, Nan Umrigar, who published her experience of communicating with her son through automatic writing in her first book Sounds of Silence, was in the capital recently to talk about her much anticipated second book Listening to the Silence.
Looking resplendent in a champagne pink top and white trousers with pearl drop earrings, Nan shared that she no longer grieves for Karl and is looking forward to meeting him in heaven.
Talking about Karl brings a twinkle to Nan’s eyes and a smile spreads on her lips. She reveals that in the years that she was inconsolable, she went looking for answers about Karl that led her to try various mediums. One of whom were Bhavnagiris, Khorshed and husband Rumi communicated with the spirits of their sons Ratoo and Vispi, who were killed in a car crash and have published a three-part book on The Laws of the Spirit World.
“We were devastated and nothing could fill the void in our lives, till the time we met people, who communicated with their loved ones from the spirit world,” shares Nan. Little did she realise, it was going to be a start of her own journey as well.
All the doors and windows of the Umrigar household facing racecourse were shut when Karl was no more. “It was too painful to look at the race course. It took a very long time for us to open those windows again,” she shares.
When Nan started communicating with Karl, one of the messages led her to Avatar Meher Baba in Meherabad. “It was after some days of attempting to let the pen flow that Karl communicated the word Meher. Not able to understand what it meant, I contacted Khorshed Bhavnagiri, who asked me to meet another medium Prabhavati Rishi, a Maharastrian, who used the ouija board. Rishi told me that Meher was the Avatar Meher Baba, who was also her guru,” she says.
Nan has been autowriting for many years now and has over 100 notebooks. “I write in the mornings. It’s better to have a fixed time. Even though Karl says he will be there whenever I’d call out to him, I can’t take his time for granted,” she avers.
When asked if she’s ever asked Karl about rebirth, she reveals, “Karl is an intermediary and Meher Baba communicates through him. He told me that he has reached this level and Meher Baba is his spiritual guru. A Master has the ability to free you from the circle of life and death and my son has been freed.”
Her first book was about her journey, the second book is about others’ journey and experiences. Nan says, “Every day a new story, a new miracle unfolds. I don’t ask any questions. It’s a natural process, sometimes what I want to ask comes through others.”
Looking back at the years gone by Nan wonders how could she do all that. “I used to question this ability initially, it’s human nature. But over the years, I have learned that death is not the end, there’s afterlife. We go to the races now and we have a stable full of horses as well. The windows remain open too without a tug at heart,” she concludes.
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