Pulling you with a Vine
Twitter introduced to the world, the power of 140 characters. And when that wasn’t enough, here’s something new — the power of video, six seconds of it to be precise!
The new service, Vine, which was launched formally by Twitter on January 24, is fast becoming a very, very popular app.
The stop-motion videos on Vine, which are at present availablefor iPhone and iPod users only, can include as many scenes as you can fit. The video stops and starts when you press the device’s screen. When one your six second (or lesser) video is done, it can then be shared just on Vine, or with your Twitter friends.
And don’t worry, there’s sound too. Vine is currently number four in the iOS App Store, beating out Google Maps and YouTube. It’s fast turning out to be the hottest social networking app by a wide margin.
The last time an app generated so much interest was when Instagram went live in 2010. Users are already praising Vine for its simplicity and ease, during use.
So, is this just the beginnings of the best social media app ever? Well, looks like it! And guess what, even the pornlords are loving it, much to Twitter’s embarrassment.
In just a few hours after Vine’s launch, six-second ‘erotic’ videos started popping up, and one of them even made it to the Editor’s Pick list. While Vine’s terms of service don’t expressly forbid sexually-explicit content, Twitter does encourage users to use ‘good judgement’ (yeah, right) when posting content.
But the company has since begun a crackdown on restricting access to videos with sexual or explicit content.
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