Perceiving the self and other
When Nicholas Foo, a Singapore native residing in the city and a photography enthusiast met photojournalist Tanvi Mishra, he expressed a desire to start an India-Singapore collaborative photography project. His hunt for a curator ended with Tanvi.
“Postcards from Interior”, a photography exhibition, brings together six artists: Sumit Dayal, Akshay Mahajan, Ankit Goyal from India and Carrie Lam, Sean Lee and Nguan from Singapore. “The exhibition is an exploration of the sense of self and identity through photography,” says Tanvi.
Elucidating further, she adds, “Ankit, Carrie, Sean and Akshay turn the camera inward, photographing their personal life. Nguan explores the macro identity of Singapore through portraits of everyday encounters. Sumit Dayal surpasses this distinction and tells a story about Kashmir through his family and working with acquired photographs.”
In these works, the photographers’ lives become interlinked with those of their subjects. “My work is partly a diary, partly a documentary of my personal history based on a group of friends from LGBT community,” says Akshay, a documentary photographer.
Talking about his work, Nguan says, “I’m showing a poetic depiction of Singa-
pore. The work is about what I see and how I feel.”
The exhibition will be on at Exhibit 320, Lado Sarai from Dec 7
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