Make the moist of it
Bengaluru is smack in the middle of monsoon and umbrellas, shawls and comfort food are the keywords of the season. But spare a thought for your pets who feel the vagaries of the weather just as intensely. “You have to pay special attention to your pet in this season,” says Dr (Capt) Pradeep V Rao, “as they can’t express themselves and it becomes our responsibility.”
The daily routine of pets are greatly disturbed in the monsoon, “My dog Shadow is confused about where to do his business in the rainy season!” says Aditya Bhagamane, a student. “He used to make a mess in the house, so we trained him to go in the backyard during the rain.” This confusion doesn’t surprise Dr Lohith H.D. who says, “Animals who are used to going outside will definitely react badly to this change. Cats like to dig a hole to cover up themselves as they can become depressed in this weather.”
Monsoon also presents other dangers for pets including respiratory conditions due to the drop in temperatures. “My pet hamster Twix is very sensitive so during this season, we move his cage away from the window to keep him warm and dry,” says student Animesh Mishra. “The owners should make sure that the pet is not subjected to harsh weather suddenly as this will cause great harm,” adds Dr Rao who lists tics and flies as the biggest danger. “Usually pets catch tics in this season and it causes blood loss and weakens their immune system. It also results in tic fever which is very painful for the animal.”
Aditya says, “We are afraid of Shadow getting wet so we rarely take him for walks and notice that he becomes lethargic during this season.” Dr Rao says, “While animals like guinea pigs and hamsters mainly stay indoors and have their own routines, I can’t stress enough how important exercise is for dogs and cats. Owners should change their own schedules in order to allow these pets outside at a time when it is not raining.”
Dr Lohith offers other solutions, “There are now coats for pets while outside during the monsoons. They are water-proof and also keep the animal warm.” Dr Rao adds, “Do not bathe your pets often as it can lead to pneumonia.” He continues, “Dust allergies are also important to look out for so make sure that they don’t wander outside for too long.”
Conscientious pet owners may find monsoon a challenge but Dr Rao assures them, “You just need to keep an eye on them to notice changes, but otherwise monsoon is just another season.”
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