Love makes her world complete
How would you describe your latest book?
I think these are stories of people’s emotional losses and emotional longings. They are not necessarily, “romantic” although by and large they are stories of man woman love. A lot of the stories are about losing love and the fear of losing love or the difficulties of finding the right kind of love.
Your first book Crush was an anthology of love poems and your latest book is titled, Love stories. Is it an emotion you like to explore often?
I think so and in fact I think that almost all writers do. A large part of literary fiction, unless it is a genre book like thriller or mystery, is about emotions. A lot of them are about relationships, if not romantic love. It is about family love or family ties and about the difficulties of it. And that is something I do want to write about and I feel drawn to the subject. Even in poetry, the poems I find compelling are the ones which are firmly focused on emotions. Abstraction doesn’t really work for me.
Considering how your last two books have been semi non fictional in nature, did you consciously want your third book to fictional in nature?
No, actually I had thought I would do another nonfiction book, but somehow I could not get enough research grants. In the meantime, I had been working on plays experimenting with the form and genre. And in between writing scripts, I was also writing short stories for over a period of three years. It was not on my mind, but when I had six seven stories which were all about emotions, I thought it was time that I make this into a collection.
Which is that one love story you keep going back to?
: Gone with the wind, it was the first love story I really liked, which has stayed with me. I don’t actually re read it too much, I have read it twice. But I think about it often.
Your last three books have been coming out in a year’s interval, could we expect your next book to be out anytime soon?
I have a novella which is in process but it’s not ready. It still needs some more work.
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