Look before you deign to leap
Jump & Slide is a strategy game from thinktank games, retailing at Rs 399. The double-sided play pieces and the basic rules remind me of Karo and Spy Sight, both games from Dr Wood.
Harish and Ranjini came over for a birthday lunch on a rainy day. I found myself personally opening Jump & Slide, which we’d just gifted Ranjini. We settled down to play after a quick scan of the rules. Six pieces each, arranged in preset start positions on a dramatic 8x3 long format foldout board.
The first player to move all their pieces to the opposite side wins. Grooved base down, the pieces are “sliders”, capable of moving to adjacent vacant squares in any direction. Grooved base up, the same pieces are now “jumpers”, which can only move if they jump over pieces (the opponent’s or your own). With pieces changing orientation and mobility capability, it’s easy to make silly errors and end up stranded!
Four hours later, we’d put away lunch, more cake than we should have, and run through multiple games. With game enthusiasts for company and glorious weather, what more could one ask for?
Write to arup_kavan@ yahoo.com
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