Little ones remain special
How our children grow! Where does the time fly? One day they are new-borns, and in the blink of an eye, all those little babies are getting ready to get into universities. It’s a time to let go and allow them to mould themselves to the kind of life they choose for themselves. Today, the generation is thinking for themselves and options have become vast.
Sometimes I still get taken aback to see my two kids when they stride into my room as tall teenagers. I then close my eyes and picture them crawling on their fours and holding onto objects to stand.
I remember the time when I felt that I was losing my independence having my first baby. I would wake up in cold sweat in the middle of the night, unclear as to what to expect in the future. I had started feeling shackled. I struggled with the thought of the future that was to unfold. So far, I had been an independent girl who flew off on a short notice to finish a modelling assignment. My husband had been ‘cool’ about it. But life changed after Tiara came into my life.
Tiara was born at 11.43 pm. “Here, hold your baby, she is beautiful,” said Avi, my gynaec, gently. Her eyes were like saucers and she had a thick black mane of hair — she was indeed beautiful. I had read enough baby books during my term about holding the baby correctly. No text made sense now; it was a natural instinct as I wrapped her close to me. She was mine!
The nature of unconditional love bore its first seed within me in those first few days. I was going to enjoy my baby and love her to death.
She would cry for godi and sometimes after getting tired of holding her, I would hand her to my maid, Kiran. Once my father saw this and reprimanded me, “How long will you be able to carry her?” I knew each time I would carry and comfort her, her wails would immediately stop. Till today I remember his words and understanding that the period of carrying her is limited and is gone before you know.
In fact when my son Rajveer was born two years later, I would carry them both and enjoy it. My father was no more, but his words were like bible to me. Soon enough they outgrew my godi.
I watched Tiara grow into a beautiful flower blossoming, always spreading her fragrance around to our family and her close friends.
I stood proudly next to her when she did an exhibition of her paintings at 16. She started writing short stories and is ready to launch her first book soon.
She is grown up. Today, like most of other children her age, she too asserts, “Relax mom, I know what to do!” and another typical one: “Leave it mom — it’s my life. Don’t get so involved in little things.”
However, having said that, being parents we know that each time the kids will come back to nestle in their parents’ shelter. After all, their one whimper still rocks our boat and they know it! They feel they know more than their parents. It’s a phase. I remember when I felt I knew more about most things than anyone else. I was convinced of it. So I don’t blame her when she behaves like any other teenager.
18!! I ask myself — when did that happen? My gorgeous baby will become an adult in a few days and I have to watch her step into the larger world. “No,” my own mother says consoling me. “Till a mother is alive her children will always be her little babies.”
This jewellery designer provides a ringside view into the complex lives and challenges of achievers.
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