Journey starts from inner mind
People, who received immense success and fame in life, and who have overcome all kinds of hardships, they all have realised one single fact — to gain anything in life, mind has to be in a particular state. Whenever required, you must be able to switch over to meditative state of mind.
Meditation is art of attention management. Uncontrolled attention is the cause of anger, stress, anxiety, fear, pain and suffering. Meditation is the practice of going to inner mind and experiencing the inner world. To get an experience of the five layers of existence, meditation is the only way.
Individuals who have touched the higher two and a half koshas (from mind, body to ananda body) have experienced growth in life. Flashes of new ideas, avenues and crucial decision-making capabilities can be achieved only in these koshas.
Maharishi Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras talked not only about the mind and its different levels, but also of how the mind can be elevated to the vijnanamaya and anandamaya koshas, and even beyond them. In all the traditions of meditation and religions, a single formula has been emphasised on to be able to travel through inner world — fix your attention at one point and on one object. Then your consciousness starts changing its orbit, from physical action body (annamaya kosha) to feeling body (pranamaya), from feeling body to experience body (manomaya), from experience body to intuition body (vijnanamaya) and finally, from intuition to joy body (anandamaya kosha).
Shri Krishna spoke of sahaj state in the Gita. Sahaj means centred state establishing into your own centre. In many areas of your life, you are established in centeredness and this centeredness (sahajta), develops either unknowingly or with practice of one’s own interests.
If you are a good cook, you will be surprised if people praise your preparation, because for you it is something you do as a daily routine. If you are a singer, you sing beautifully yet easily, but people are still surprised.
That means what has become natural and easy for you, it proves amazing for others. This happens only when you perform from your intuitive body because you have developed it with practice over a period of time. And as a result, you get access to the unprecedented art, music, or performances just by establishing your consciousness in the vijnanamaya kosha with centeredness (sahajta).
There is no problem that cannot be solved at this level. We need to go beyond our analytical minds in order to get solutions and achieve growth in life. Solutions and ideas appear the moment our consciousness or deep meditative mind expands in the level of intuition, i.e., in vijnanamaya and anandamaya koshas.
At this level, in this very state of meditation, all your decisions prove right and beneficial. You are able to see in a wider perspective. As a result, you are able to find a way out in any situation and move ahead in life. Maharishi Patanjali terms this state as samadhi, a state in which you become the creator of your own destiny. So, to become a co-creator, to achieve a desired situation, or to manifest your desires or dreams, the journey will always start from inside.
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