Getting nowhere in a hurry
Sid visited China for a trade fair, and on his return I gained a few puzzles to add to my magnificent collection of failed attempts to solve anything that requires even the remotest mental dexterity. “Intelligence Toy” comes in a rubbish paper box, way too flimsy to hold its shape, given that the contents are wooden. I
pulled out this tightly stacked block of wooden pieces, and for a while, I struggled to take them apart. Suddenly something gave in, and in a moment, 12 wooden slats came undone, and a menacing metallic marble rolled out from nowhere! This rash taking apart should have been preceded with some thought about how I’d put it back together again!
“Intelligence Toy” comes with no instruction sheet. The box has visuals of other puzzles made by the same manufacturer, and a small image of the puzzle I had so recklessly pulled apart. How on earth did they fit that into the tightly packed set of wooden pieces? A good while later, and after much struggle and peering at the image on the box, I thought I was making good progress. Your usual puzzle is a picture in the making.
A still from a Walt Disney classic, or maybe a landscape, sometimes a well-known painting. “Intelligence Toy” will have none of this. It’s three-dimensional and is all geometric. I’m two pieces away from using all 12 wooden slats, and still have that wretched marble to squeeze in. For all I know, I got it wrong from the very first piece!
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