Five awesome Google Easter eggs
Google is by far my favourite company — they create awesome products, make most of them available for free and tend to have a sense of humour.
It’s no surprise that there are many interesting tricks built into the Google source-code.
Zerg Rush
Type “Zerg Rush” into Google search and watch as things go crazy as you try to defend your search results.
Go to Google maps ask for directions. Set start location to “The Shire”, destination to “Mordor”, form of transport to “walking”… you know where this is going!
Google Earth Flight Simulator
Go to Google Earth, press Ctrl+Alt+A, pick between F-16 and SR-22, and take off from any airport in the world! Check:
Play Snake While in YouTube
This one is particularly valid for Indians with slow Internet speeds. While your YouTube video loads, pause the video. Press the left arrow key for two to three seconds, then press down. This starts up a game of Snake in the flash player to keep you busy while the video loads.
The Meaning of Lyf
Google “answer to life, the universe and everything”. You’ll either appreciate the answer or it’ll set you on the path to enlightenment.
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