Don’t walk the line
It is a well-known fact that most reality shows, and some fiction shows, on the Indian small screen are directly ripped off from international shows. Masterchef India is based on Masterchef Australia, Sach ka Samna on Moment of Truth, Seven on Heroes and many more. The city’s glam set, avid telly watchers all, however feel that perhaps these shows can’t match the originals.
Model Priya Nayak says that she loves Masterchef Australia and therefore tunes into the Indian version out of curiosity. “I am not impressed with how melodramatic they have made Masterchef India.” Adam Bidapa agrees, adding, “These Indian versions of shows are ridiculous and over-the-top.” Priya wonders whether it makes commercial sense to air the copied version alongside the original shows. “The two Masterchefs being on air at the same time highlight the inferior quality of our desi version,” she adds. RJ Rakesh Kumar takes a more patriotic view. “Comparisons are odious because the two versions are made for audiences in different cultures.”
Dipika Kamaiah, a contestant on The Chair, takes a more practical view, “I appreciate the fact that we take these concepts and make it our own. I don’t think we can call it inferior. It’s just different.”
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