Do mega fun and big bucks help sports?
The country’s swish set and sports fraternity are going ga ga over the much awaited Formula One coming to India, but former speed princess, P.T. Usha sees the Grand Prix as nothing but a waste of money. “I feel very bad because such hi-fi business has nothing to do with 99 per cent of Indians. It is a criminal waste (of money). First, Twenty20 cricket spoiled the spirit of Indian sports, and now here comes another avatar, which will mostly attract corporate money, who rarely spend for sports promotion. Only God can save the Indian sports,” Usha has been quoted saying.
Games events which are mega spectacle extravaganzas and also a fun carnival, involve big moolah and draw eyeballs. Does this help sports in India or is it divorced from the rest of the sports scene?
“Such sports events have certified India as a global destination, it doesn’t matter if this isn’t much about sports,” says Aaseem Sachdeva, 21, who’s coming all the way from Chandigarh not only to watch the race but also attend a few post-show parties.
“These events aren’t about sports, and won’t help games in India,” says Rajat Sharma, 18, a Delhi-based hockey enthusiast. “This is nothing but a money game. That’s what has been attracting the rich and the famous to these events. Moreover, only the rich have access to such events, they are tailor-made in such a fashion. Look at the cost of the tickets. How is such a scenario going to help games like hockey and wrestling?” Rajat argues.
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