‘Blowfish’ troubles
Fez is an exceptional indie puzzle/platform game developed by Polytron and is available on PC and on Xbox Live Arcade. Since then, the owner of Polytron, Phil Fish has stated numerous times that he had a lot of trouble in making his game available, and later patching it on Xbox 360. Both Fish and Jonathan Blow have recently sided with Sony in this console war; since they are allowed to self-publish on the PS4.
Things changed when Microsoft announced that they too will allow independent developers to self-publish on both Xbox 360 and Xbox One. When asked to comment on this, Phil Fish, Jonathan Blow and a few other developers said that considering past interactions with Microsoft, they will wait for more information. Reacting to this, Marcus Beer from GameTrailers directed some harsh comments towards both Phil Fish and Jonathan Blow. He came up with the name “blowfish” and followed up with a series of verbal abuse.
He claimed that these two are the pioneers of the indie side of the industry, and journalists always give them preference. Phil was offended by these statements, told Marcus to go kill himself and later canceled Fez II. He also stated that he has had enough and is leaving the industry for good.
Thanks to the success of Fez, there is no doubt its sequel will be developed. If Phil Fish seriously meant everything he said on Twitter, he is bound to sell the licence to some other studio. In this case, both sides are right and wrong; but many did not expect industry professionals to go to such extremes.
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