15 steps to Brahma!
MathWorld claims it is the web’s most extensive mathematical resource. It apparently serves as a ‘clearinghouse’ for new mathematical discoveries, and is widely referenced in subject journals. My introduction to
www.mathworld.wolfram.com was to learn more about the Lucas Tower, courtesy the Rise of Planet of the Apes! I wanted to try my hand at that fascinating ‘15 moves for a perfect score’ puzzle.
MathWorld is understated elegance through every click. Without much ado, I went to Recreational Mathematics, and into Puzzles (44 to choose from!). Inexplicably listed as Tower of Hanoi and Towers of Hanoi, I was faced with the challenge Caesar summarily dismissed in the movie. Here, with the solution clearly spelt out, I struggled to form a pattern in the mind. One that I might remember if I tried without prompts.
The puzzle was invented by E. Lucas in 1883. It’s called the Tower(s) of Hanoi, and also referred to as the Tower of Brahma. Given a stack of ‘n’ discs arranged from largest at the bottom to smallest on top of a rod, along with two empty rods, this ‘intelligence test’ requires you to move the stack from one rod to the other in the fewest possible moves. In every move you make only smaller discs can be placed on top of larger discs. A nifty formula painstakingly explained on the site, didn’t help me get any closer to seeing the light!
MathWorld is the sort of site you linger at. And learn so much from. I now know that ‘God’s number’ is nothing to do with the particle collider. It refers to the minimum number of turns required to solve a Rubik’s cube from an arbitrary start position. The number is 20. And another instance where a solution clearly spelt out, does nothing to help my cause!
Just the other day, Arun spoke passionately about the application of the principles of math in decision making, eliminating the inefficient linearity that results in faulty reasoning. ‘The Sultan’s Dowry Problem’ on MathWorld supports his viewpoint, and makes for a breathless read! Despite the elegant formula being well beyond my comprehension!
The author may be contacted at arup_kavan@yahoo.com
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