Punching brings punctuality back
The city corporation could discipline its freewheeling employees, known for their unauthorised absenteeism, with the recently installed biometric punching system.
As continuous late coming can lead to a leave or wage cut, the employees are keen on reaching the office in time. According to sources, with the punching in place, there’s considerable fall in the number of staff taking unauthorised leave.
All employees are requ-ired to punch four times a day: when they come in by 10.15 am, and leave by 5 pm and also when they exit and enter after lunch. In addition, the movement register has also been made proper and strict.
“Those who leave the office while on duty, should enter their name, time and purpose for leaving, in the movement register.
Monitoring has been made strict to ensure that the staff is available in office. Nobody can stroll in by 11 and walk out at 3”, said a top functionary.
As many as 400 employees are working in the corporation main office and most of them welcomed the new system.
However, the opposition trade unions have objected to punching during lunch break. To get the feedback of the staff, the civic authorities have sought their opinion through an assessment report.
One of the suggestions from the employees was that there should be time-relaxation in some cases.
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