Kochi metro: No more talks with landlords
A land acquisition review meeting of the Kochi Metro Rail on Friday has decided to stop further negotiations with the landowners for acquiring land.
The district level purchasing committee will not convene any more negotiation meetings with the owners.
The rest of the land will be acquired as per the Land Acquisition Act and the deputy collector has been assigned with furnishing the details of the land to be acquired and assessing its value.
To acquire land as per the LA Act, the KMRL needs to remit the amount in court before acquisition.
The chief revenue officer has been directed to gather details of the poramboke lands in the area to be acquired and to initiate immediate steps to transfer such land in favour of the KMRL managing director.
Regarding the land for the proposed yard at Muttam, 18 hectares of land need to be surveyed and sent for land revenue commissioner’s approval. KMRL managing director Tom Jose presided over the meeting.
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