When lyrics go badly awry
I had my music player on shuffle today, and it decided to throw up the most random songs on my play list. So here I am singing along to Ricky Martin’s She Bangs when I realise jut how ridiculous the lyrics sound. ‘Cause she looks like a flower but she stings like a bee.’ Wow, I listen to weird music. Then there was Objection by Shakira,
which I actually like; but no matter how much I like it, I can’t explain why she says ‘attention — the angles of this triangle got dizzy dancing tango.’ And it doesn’t end there — next up is 3 by Britney Spears. The only justification for that song is that she must have written it when she was five.
And dear Kesha, do you know what you get when you brush your teeth with a bottle of Jack? — Crappy lyrics. Seriously, Blah Blah Blah? What happened, did you use up all your creative juices in writing Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy?
Then of course there are the BEP — I’m not saying that I’m not a big fan of their music. But have you ever stopped to consider the lyrics? ‘My hump, my hump, my hump, my hump’ where did that come from? And not to forget their hit Boom Boom Pow — ‘I’m so 3008, you’re so 2000 and late’ is it just me, or does that line make no sense at all? After listening to all those songs I was beginning to consider becoming a lyricist — well clearly writing skills aren’t required to get you the job. Just as I am about to shut off my music player for the torture it was inflicting upon me, I hear Katy Perry cooing ‘you’re so gay and you don’t even like boys.’ God save me!
The blogger, 18, is a student of R. Ruia College, Mumbai.
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