Wannabe Wants
What do you say to the teenager in the UK who lied to doctors to qualify for a £5,000 operation so that she could squeeze her feet into designer shoes? How far are youngsters willing to go to look good? Quite a distance, it seems.
Sure, once you are out of college, it is thrilling not to wear the same boring uniform every day. It’s about putting your best foot forward. But nowadays, it is not just about clothes and accessories, the way you look also comes under the chopping block. Perfect hair, perfect skin, perfect teeth — the list goes on and so do the examples.
Says 19-year-old Asfiya, “I knew this girl in college with an acne problem. Her doctor told her that her skin was too tender to work with, and that she would have to grow up a bit before undergoing any treatment. But she didn’t have the patience to wait so she devised her own method. She would rub her skin with tissue paper until the top layer of her skin came off. Eventually her mother made the doctor give her some face scrub as a placebo so that she would stop ruining her skin. The girl thought the scrub was working even though it wasn’t.”
Shipra Singh Sheshodia, another 19-year-old student says, “There was this girl I knew who wanted a high forehead like Tyra Banks. So she shaved off her hair. It was quite surprising.”
Says Taruna Agarwal another student, “I don’t believe in people getting cosmetic surgery just to look pretty. People really do need to accept you just the way you are and you shouldn’t change yourself for anyone or anything.”
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