Teenage anthems down the ages
Smells Like Teen Spirit, Nirvana
Kurt Cobain’s iconic number, this song was the teen anthem of the 90s. It also marked Nirvana’s first hit and has ever since been associated with rebellion and apathy.
Summer of 69, bryan adams
This is probably the most played song by college bands. At the time of its release, Bryan Adams was quite the rocker though his career took a total pop turn. It has one of the most recognisable opening guitar riffs and makes it to almost all anthem compilation CDs.
I want to break free, queen
This is Queen’s ultimate rebellion song about breaking away from societal norms, a state of mind most teens can relate to. While it might be autobiographical for Freddie Mercury, it is a crowdpuller as the youth of subsequent generations have preferred to sing along.
Girls just wanna have fun, cyndi lauper
She shot to fame with this foot-tapping number. The video is just as famous as it shows a teenage girl constantly bickering with her parents. Also known for its feminist overtones, this song smacks of the carefree attitude most teenagers are known to embody.
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