‘Mush’ ado about FDA
Yes, it’s nice to love your boyfriend/girlfriend. But if you do so in public i.e on social networking sites by posting mushy/romantic and cheesy messages, you’re bound to get a ‘ewwww’ from those who hate FDA aka Facebook Display of Affection! FDA is a term that’s similar to PDA (Public Display of Affection). While some are okay with a little ‘sweetness’ but are averse to full-on FDA, others complete despise it.
Student Debisha Ramballey finds FDA extremely annoying. “People who are in love should keep it to themselves and not act like they’re the only ones in love! Guys and gals saying ‘I luv you’ so many times on Facebook is so irritating. It’s just craziness!” As for one of the most annoying messages, she says, “Oh baby I really can’t live without u. Come back!” was one of them.”
The overdose of <3s (yes, that’s how you type out a heart on FB!), darlings, sweeties and muahs are a big turn off for people who don’t like them. “I don’t understand why people have to write on each others wall expressing their ‘love’ all the time. Isn’t there something called ‘messaging’ on FB where you can do it n private? I think such people just want to draw attention to themselves. Constant mush is a big no-no for me,” says student Aditya K.
The Urban dictionary that has thousands of phrases that Gen Y uses has several meanings mentioned for FDA. It ranges form ‘These are annoying and are most commonly seen by ugly or weird couples’ to ‘when a person’s Facebook picture is of him/her kissing his/her boyfriend/girlfriend. Ultimately too intimate for the public’s liking.’
For Satvika Krishna, a 16-year-old student, FDA doesn’t make much of a difference. “A lot of people on my list do it. Some also do it just to grab attention. From photos to relationship statuses to notes, there’s FDA all over. People even write love notes for each other.” While she’s okay with FDA, she feels the need to draw a line. “Messages are at least okay, but if you put up FDA-type pictures, you should at least restrict them to your close buddies and not show it to everyone. A lot of photos are unnecessary,” she says.
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