Last Potter film marks end of era
Release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, the last movie of J. K. Rowling’s bewitching Harry Potter series, marks the end of an era of wizardry. For more than a decade, Rowling enthralled readers with stories hovering past the corridors of Hogwarts and in the process became the author of the fastest selling book in history. For most teenagers today, who grew up with Potter, Hermione and Ron, the last movie is their final brush with the fantasy world they believed in. On this bittersweet occasion, we ask fans what it was about Potter and his friends that made them so special.
Flavia Jacob: “The thing about the Harry Potter series is that you can’t just pick one character. At the top of my list is Albus Dumbledore, who has been described as the greatest wizard that ever lived. A close second would be Hermione Granger, whose skill and knowledge has been indispensable to Harry’s quest in finding the horcrux and killing Voldemort. Loved Fred and George for the comic relief in dark times and ‘loved to hate’ Umbridge.”
Sumeet Bohra: “Apart from Harry, my favourites are Luna and Neville. They are more like ‘sidekicks’, who are very endearing in their eccentricities. Luna is known for her belief in unconventional matters. Though Neville is considered the class clown, you can’t help but like his blundering habits.”
Shriya Talwar: “Hermione is my favourite. I love the effort she takes to make the impossible, possible and uses her skills to stand by her friends even if it means going against the world.”
Ian Ron: “I loved Ron Weasley! Despite his fears, his willingness to play ‘real wizard’s chess’ and enter the ‘forbidden forest’ with Harry showed exemplary courage.”
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