Exam stress? Expert help is here
With the board exam fever now at its highest, anxiety levels of students are also bound to hit the roof. But the stress needn’t be ungovernable. Expert help — through counsellors, helplines and teachers — is available to deal with exam and result related anxiety. Says psychiatrist Dr Yususf Matcheswalla, “Anxiety can occur among students who are extremely well prepared and among those who are not. With highly intelligent students, there is always a niggling worry over whether they will be able to touch that 99 per cent, or whether they will be able to meet their parents’ expectations. This constant anxiety can lead to blacking out during the exams or simply not being able to complete the paper. Students who are ill-prepared also become extremely panicky when the exams approach.”
Dr Matcheswalla says maintaining a regular schedule in terms of sleep and a balanced diet is essential during these days. Students must also be realistic and practical while expecting their results. But for those under severe stress, a combination of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy can be used. “You need to look for signs like insomnia, loss of appetite, anxiety — all of which point to severe depression. If parents can spot these signs and get timely, expert help, then the situation can be resolved.”
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