All stressed out
Seventeen-year-old Niharika is juggling multiple roles. She has a demanding part-time job, plays two varsity sports, and is studying for her CAT exams and deciding which college to pick and how to pay for it. She also has a practical exam and an Internet project due this week, needs to find that perfect dress for her farewell party, is worried that she has gained five kilos. and that her best friend is mad at her. Well, while Niharika used to feel confident and excited about life’s challenges, lately she’s been feeling overwhelmed, out of control and totally “stressed out”.
Such stress is not exclusive to Niharika alone. Breaking out of their cocoons, preparing to flit away from the safety of home into the big bad world is taking a toll on teenagers — now, more than before and affecting teens across the spectrum.
Even teen superstar Selena Gomez has fallen victim to the GenNext stress syndrome and was recently rushed to hospital with complaints of exhaustion and extreme stress.
“It’s extremely important for teens to learn to handle stress, as long-term build-up of stress can lead to problems, including physical illness, anxiety and depression, all of which conditions require professional help,” says Ivy Das, a doctor. “The competition is so intense among the Gen X teens, that self-care takes a back seat. Along with indulging in activities that excite them, teens should take time out and rejuvenate themselves through yoga or sports, trekking and the like — activities that let them connect with their inner selves in a deeper way,” she adds.
“Anxiety is a reaction to changes or problems. A major cause of teen stress is the high expectations of parents, unrealistically expecting their children to be number one in everything — studies, sports, music, and so on. In school, teenagers face stress when they compete with peer group members, or struggle with demanding homework. Then, there are the exams,” says Prerna Hiradhar, a college professor.“Aside from the multi-tasking, there’s social pressure, the guys are stressed out trying to be cool… the girls stress over pleasing the weigh-scales. Then there’s the stress of proving that we have imbibed good values, pleasing the people around, making our parents proud, and making oodles of money and graduating from the best of the colleges!” exclaims Varun Jha, 16.
“The simple solution to all the teen-years rush and hoopla, often ultimately leading only to melancholy, is to follow the basic old-school stress busters — get enough sleep, follow a balanced diet, know when to say ‘no’, and schedule regular relaxation time,” says yoga instructor Ananth Shivappa, who suggests that young people do meditation, yoga and deep breathing.
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