Surrogate couple have had sex with 5,400 people and counting
A 40-year-old man and his 39-year-old girlfriend work as surrogate sexual partners for someone else's husband or wife and have had sex with a combined total of 5,485 people.
Sarah Moore and boyfriend Geoff Daniels have been sex surrogates for 19 years, during which Sarah has had sex with 3,323 men, including 52 virgins, while US-born Geoff has slept with 2,162 women, helping 49 of them lose their virginity, The Sun tabloid reported.
The pair are trained surrogate sexual partners and work to help men, women and couples overcome sexual problems in the bedroom. They have travelled across the world speaking to individuals or couples who suffer from sexual problems, or feel nervous about losing their virginity.
They then help them by talking openly about the problem, giving therapeutic massage, lessons in self-pleasure or full sex.
Sarah, who works between her home in Hammersmith, west London, and Los Angeles, says: “We are proud of the way we earn a living and never feel bad about sleeping with other people's husbands, wives, or long-term partners.”
“We are not paid to simply have sex with someone for their own kicks and cannot be compared to prostitutes. Our clients have been referred to us from doctors because they have a specific sexual problem and need help.”
“Everybody we help is spoken to at length first and has a goal about what they want to achieve in the bedroom.”
The two have helped couples and individuals in Britain, US, France and Australia.
They met while studying counselling at a New York university.
“I lost my virginity at the age of 15 and from then I knew I wanted sex to be a big part of my life. I met Geoff at the age of 20. It was love and lust at first sight and we’ve been together ever since,” Sarah told The Sun.
The couple decided to study sexual surrogacy and took the unusual step of working in a partnership.
“We told our friends and family - who were horrified. They thought we were joining some sort of sex cult. But now they realise our job is simply to help people with their problems and gain confidence in the bedroom,” she said.
During their training, Sarah and Geoff were taught how to combine massage, counselling, relaxation methods, the ancient Hindu practice of tantric sex and normal sexual moves to improve a person's sex life.
They also learnt how to lengthen sexual encounters, overcome problems and deal with issues like erectile dysfunction.
Once fully trained, the couple could start seeing patients and having sex with them if their treatment needed it.
“I remember feeling quite intimidated the first time I felt a patient needed me to have sex with him, to cure his erectile dysfunction. He was 51 and also had a bit of problem with body odour. I did ask him to shower before - which Geoff and I do with all patients,” Sarah said.
“During the session, I taught him tantric sex and sexual massage technique to prolong the intercourse. I felt as professional as a doctor does seeing a patient.”
“The next day he sent me flowers and told me I had changed his life for the better. It felt fantastic to know the problems that had made him so insecure and depressed had gone for ever,” she said.
Despite their job, there is no jealousy between Geoff and Sarah.
Geoff told the paper: “Just as Sarah does with men, I see all my patients as women I am being paid to help. We have an agreement not to talk about our work at home as we don't want to bring them into our private lives.”
Geoff and Sarah also have a strict safe-sex rule. “We always have and always will use condoms with every client. All patients must have STD tests before we sleep with them and Geoff and I also have monthly tests,” she said.
Geoff and Sarah see around five patients a day, and sessions last for about two hours. Treatments for each patient last four to eight weeks and cost 150 to 300 pounds per visit.
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