Men likely to accept women’s wish at 6pm
London, Oct. 19: Men are more likely to grant a woman’s request if she waits until 6 pm to ask for it, a UK survey has found.
Wishes can range from taking out the rubbish to a romantic weekend away.
However, the poll of more than 1,000 men and women suggests that henpecked husbands should steer clear of having a row mid-afternoon because 3 pm is the best time for the fairer sex to win an argument.
According to the poll carried out for pharmaceuticals giant Bayer Schering Pharma, when it comes to asking for a pay rise or promotion, a woman would do best not to pounce on the boss when he or she arrives for work in the morning, but to wait until 1pm.
This is the time that managers are likely to be most receptive to employees’ demands. Women, however, will be glad to know that they are not the only sex affected by “mood swings”, with the male mindset also changing over the course of the day. Some 86 per cent of the 1,019 men and women polled said they were aware of regular peaks and troughs in their mood. But, perhaps not surprisingly, less than half of these had even thought of capitalising on the phenomenon.
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