Israel seeks arms in bulk from US
Israel is seeking arms and ammunitions in bulk from its close ally America, triggering speculation of a possible outbreak of a military confrontation in the region.
The Israeli request includes Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) bombs for its Air Force as well as significant expansion of the emergency stores held by the American Army in the Jewish state which can be utilised when need be, daily Ha’aretz reported.
The request was made during recent visits to Washington by Israeli defence minister Ehud Barak and director general of the defence ministry, Mr Udi Shani, in their conversations with senior administration and Congress officials.
The priority list reflects the security threats the defence establishment believes Israel will face in the next few years, including possibility of a prolonged war, which would necessitate the country using its Air Force widely to attack many targets, along with ensuring enough spare parts and supplies, the report said.
Israel has requested for the JDAM bombs to increase the number of such munitions already in its arsenal.
They were used by the Jewish state in the Second Lebanon War against Shia militant faction, Hezbollah, in 2006 and during Operation Cast Lead in Gaza in 2008.
Israel is also seeking an increase in the amount of gear held by the American Army in their emergency stores in Israel by 50 per cent, raising it from ammunitions worth $800 million to $1.2 billion.
The US administration placed the stores in Israel in December as part of a number of steps to improve American assistance to Israeli security. Some $600 million worth of American emergency equipment is said to have already reached the stores in Israel.
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